

“One thing I’d like to tell you, is that recently Catherine has shown a great interest in practising flute at home and she has become more confident. It seems she is improving her skills on flute quite a bit. Thank you very much for teaching her, I really appreciate it. She loves to continue to learn flute with you.”

Isabelle Zhang (Catherine’s Mum)

“Gerard is a very passionate musician and educator……He has excellent interpersonal skills and is well liked by students, staff, and parents like. Gerard takes personal interest in all his students and is a great mentor to their musical development. Gerard has a life long love of music and is dedicated to constantly improving his musicianship with regard to the flute and other instruments.”

Wayne Demnar (Former Elementary Principal, Beijing BISS International School)

“You have given Josh both professional and personal time to help him improve and to enjoy his time immersed in music. As a parent, I am very grateful for the care and attenton that you provided to my child.
In other words, Mr. Dutton, keep up the good work. You are making a difference in the lives of your students.”

Faridah Parwan (Josh’s Mum)

“I’ve never properly thanked you for your teaching, but you were not just my teacher, you were also my friend. One day I hope we can meet again so I can thank you for everything you did for an awkward teenage girl. You made me unique.”

Marie-Camille Hogg (past student)